Suzanne and Jimmy Goudge
Distinguished Service
Class of 1972

Suzanne and Jimmy Goudge

Suzanne and Jimmy Goudge first began serving their community at AHHS through their involvement in clubs and organizations. Suzanne was a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Los Amigos, Service Club, National Honor Society, and Spanish National Honor Society. Jimmy was a member of the Advisory President’s Council, Student Council, Mule Stall Council, and the “A” Club. Both graduated in 1972.

Suzanne and Jimmy each earned degrees from the University of Texas at Austin (UT), Suzanne’s in Accounting, and Jimmy’s in Finance. After UT, Jimmy pursued graduate school, and Suzanne went to work for Broadway Bank. She worked in many departments, including the Profit Sharing Committee and Loan and Discount Committee. Suzanne was pivotal in creating the bank’s Commercial Lending and Trust Departments and served as Board Director for 33 years. Jimmy held high-level positions at the National Bank of Commerce, Allied American Bank, and Kelly Field National Bank before joining Suzanne at Broadway Bank in 1989. He was named President and CEO in 1998 and Chairman and CEO in 2001. Both have retired.

Careers aside, Suzanne and Jimmy have invested their energy into improving their community. A few of Suzanne’s past board positions include The DoSeum (Chair), KLRN (Co-Chair of Auction), Teach for America, and the San Antonio Zoo. Always with one foot firmly in AHISD, Suzanne served as President of every PTO (except Cambridge) and President of the AHISD Board of Trustees. Jimmy has held positions on the Greater Chamber of Commerce & Pathway to a Great City Committee (Chair), the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation (Executive Member), KLRN (Chair), and Leadership San Antonio (Co-Chair). Both have been Trustees for United Way San Antonio and Presidents of the Alamo Heights School Foundation.

Suzanne and Jimmy continue to support Alamo Heights and beyond. Suzanne currently serves on the University of the Incarnate Word Board (Chair), the United Way Tocqueville Society (Co-Chair), the Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation (Trustee), the Sunshine Cottage Scholarship Committee, and is a St. Anthony de Padua Church Eucharistic Minister. Jimmy serves on Snack Pak 4 Kids (Chair), the UTSA Development Board, the KLRN Endowment Fund, and the UT Chancellor's Council (Executive Committee Member). Recently, Suzanne and Jimmy co-chaired the Alamo Heights School Foundation’s Their Future! Endowment Campaign, which raised over $5 million for AHISD.

Jimmy and Suzanne have four children, Sara, Carrie, Cy, and Kate, as well as ten grandchildren.