Our Children. Our Teachers.
Our Schools. Our Community.


The District will be able to count on these funds year after year as they continue to provide the students of AHISD with a high-quality education. Donations to Their Future! endowment includes opportunities for gift recognition through naming rights to various District facilities. 

Gifts to Their Future!

Endowment can be made in one of the following ways:

  • Cash Gifts may be made by personal, business, or foundation check.
  • Pledges may be made to the Endowment Fund with payments spread over a five-year period.
  • Appreciated Stock Gifts can be transferred to the Foundation.
  • Planned Gifts can be made to the Endowment by listing the Alamo Heights School Foundation as a beneficiary in their will or trust. Planned gifts can also include retirement plan assets and life insurance.
Endowment Campaign

For more information about the endowment fund and ways to give, please contact Heather McFarland, Executive Director, at hmcfarland@ahisd.net or (210) 832-5957.

Our Donors

Sustaining Fund: Our most critical fund that helps meet the greatest needs of AHISD

Dianne and Richard Azar

Emily and Ben Azar

Anne and Steve Ballantyne

CB and Anita Branch Trust

Sara and Jeff Brouillard

Lauren and John Browning

Paula and Jim Callaway

Stephen Cavender

Elizabeth Huth Coates Charitable Foundation

Rachel and Greg Chaney

Karen and Thomas Crosley

Kate and Taylor Dawson

Julie and Kenny Dorbandt

Barbara and Alan Dreeben

Lynnette and Trey Embrey

Gayle and Walter Embrey

Dick and Jimmy Ruth Evans

Kelly and Carl Fellbaum

Kelley and Pat Frost

Lou Celia and Don Frost

Pat and Tom Frost Foundation

Goldsbury Foundation

Suzanne and Jimmy Goudge

Friends in Honor of Speedy Hart

Allison and Jaimie Hayne

Hebdon Family

Carey and David Hildebrand

Joan and Herb Kelleher Charitable Foundation

John and Claudia Malitz

Mays Family Foundation

Lauren and Peter McLaughlin

Dina and Lott McIlhenney

Jane and Joe McFarlane

Dan, Cynthia, Ryan, & Michael O'Connor

Jill and Gardner Peavy

Sechler, Zeller, Sachs Families

Mary and Eddie Spalten

Jan and Stan Studer Jr.

Holly Thaggard

Suzanne and John Thomas

The Family of Dick Wade

Jenger and Steve Waters

Julie and Warren Wilkinson, Jr.

Worth and Arriaga Family

Lynn and Thad Zeigler

Faculty Fund: Provides funds for AHISD to recruit and retain the best and brightest teachers and staff

Dianne and Richard Azar

Emily and Ben Azar

Anne and Steve Ballantyne

Sue and Bill Balthrope

Karen and Thomas Crosley

Julie and Kenny Dorbandt

Barbara and Alan Dreeben

Lou Celia and Don Frost

Pat and Tom Frost Foundation

Goldsbury Foundation

Hebdon Family

John and Claudia Malitz

Jane and Joe McFarlane

Sechler, Zeller, Sachs Families

Suzanne and John Thomas

Dan, Cynthia, Ryan, and Michael O'Connor

Jill and Gardner Peavy

Betty and Mike Venson

Julie and Warren Wilkinson, Jr.

Program Fund: Ensures AHISD is able to continue to provide our students unique and innovative learning opportunities

Dianne and Richard Azar

Emily and Ben Azar

Anne and Steve Ballantyne

Karen and Thomas Crosley

Julie and Kenny Dorbandt

Barbara and Alan Dreeben

Lou Celia and Don Frost

Pat and Tom Frost Foundation

Goldsbury Foundation

Carey and David Hildebrand

Dan, Cynthia, Ryan, and Michael O'Connor

The McCombs Foundation

Jill and Gardner Peavy

Sechler, Zeller, Sachs Families

Suzanne and John Thomas

Jenger and Steve Waters

Julie and Warren Wilkinson, Jr.

Janie and Jim Worth

Worth and Arriaga Family

Athletic Fund: Funds operational costs of AHISD athletic programs, recognizing that all athletes are students first, and each coach is a teacher

Dianne and Richard Azar

Emily and Ben Azar

Anne and Steve Ballantyne

Barbara and Alan Dreeben

Goldsbury Foundation

Carey and David Hildebrand

The Johnson Family

Jill and Gardner Peavy

Sechler, Zeller, Sachs Families

Julie and Warren Wilkinson, Jr.

Jenger and Steve Waters

Worth and Arriaga Family

Student Needs Fund: Supports the removal of barriers that some of our students face accessing all that AHISD offers

Dianne and Richard Azar

Emily and Ben Azar

Anne and Steve Ballantyne

CB and Anita Branch Trust

Barbara and Alan Dreeben

Jill and Gardner Peavy

Sechler, Zeller, Sachs Families

Julie and Warren Wilkinson, Jr.